Berkley Square HOA

The Jewel of Hamburg


Berkley Square, The Jewel of Hamburg, is a Planned Unit Development (PUD), likened to an English village with three distinct and defined neighborhoods. They are the Townhouse, Single Family, and Zero-Lot neighborhoods, along with a Common Park, or Fountain Park, all under the control of the Berkley Square Homeowners Association.

The Berkley Square community is comprised of 64 townhouses, 24 single family homes, and 40 zero-lot line homes. Adjoining the Berkley Square community are residential condominium units, designated as Berkley Place, which has its own Homeowners Association. Berkley Place does share in the common expenses, such as those related to the Fountain Park.The association-elected Board of Directors is comprised of 5 members: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and two Directors. There is also an appointed, non-voting Secretary. All of the Board members have staggered two year terms. Board members are all voluntary, non-paid positions. The current management company, Anduschat Real Estate Services, has served the Association since its inception in the early 1990s, with Mr. Edward Dzioba as the Berkley Square property manager.

The Board and Management group ensure that all of the Association's rules and regulations are enforced consistently, equally, and fairly. The Board is also responsible for managing the day-to-day business of the Association. This includes developing and managing an annual budget and approving contracts as well as expenditures. The management company collects fees, pays bills, and reviews requests for proposal (RFPs) for various service contracts.

image of Berkley Square HOA entrance